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Terms of Service

Terms of Service

General Terms and Conditions (GTC)

for Global Production Network Film UG (GPNF)


A. Scope of application and services

1. the object of the orders placed with GPNF is the procurement of film productions & film service providers, partners for film production of all kinds and film locations & shooting opportunities.

2. clients (enquirers) are companies from all over the world.

3.GPNF forwards the respective enquiry to a suitable GPNF network partner

4. the network partners have an agreement with GPNF and pay for the services of GPNF.


B. Implementation and contractual relationships

 1.GPNF only provides brokerage services in favour of network partners.

2. if GPNF cannot find a network partner for an enquiry, no referral to other third parties will take place, GPMF will inform the enquirer that no referral is possible, that no mediation is possible.

3. the enquirer pays nothing for the activity of GPNF taking place on the basis of an enquiry and GPNF assumes no further obligations or liability for the success or failure of the brokerage activity

4. the same applies in the event that the enquirer and the network partner do not conclude a contract. Also in this case GPNF does not assume any obligations, liabilities or costs, neither in relation to the network partner nor in relation to the enquirer.

5. if the referral of an enquiry to a network partner is successful and the enquirer and network partner conclude an agreement

only the network partner is obliged to pay GPNF a commission in accordance with the internal network agreement with GPNF.


C. Rights

1.GPNF does not create any rights of its own to the respective project through this brokerage activity.

2.GPNF is entitled to the contractual remuneration from the network partner in the event of a successful placement.


D. Remuneration, invoicing the event of a successful mediation in accordance with the above conditions, GPNF is entitled to a payment agreed with the network partner.

2. the network partner shall inform GPNF of the successful conclusion of a contract.

3. on the basis of the information received and documented as above, GPNF will issue a proper invoice to the network partner.


E. Exclusion of liability, no guarantees

1.GPNF is not a party or contracting party to any contract between the requestor and the network partner.

2.GPNF does not negotiate the contracts between the requestor and the network partner and does not participate in these negotiations.

3.GPNF does not assume any guarantees in favour of the inquirer and network partner in the context of the brokerage activity.

4.any liability of GPNF for any problems or circumstances in the context of the contract negotiations, the conclusion and implementation of these contracts between the inquirer and the network partner.

of these contracts between enquirer and network partner, irrespective of the legal grounds, is excluded.


F. Final provisions

 1. should any provision of these GTC be invalid or void in whole or in part, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these GTC.

Invalid or void provisions shall be replaced by a valid provision that comes as close as possible to the intended provisions.

2. amendments and additions to the GTC, as well as collateral agreements, must be made in writing to be effective.

3. the law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply; the place of fulfilment and jurisdiction is Munich.


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